
Archive for February, 2011

Debate for the Banning of Pornography


This is my side of my college assignment for the banning of pornography

With the times of today there are many ways for people to gain access to unsightly images such as pornography; from the internet or even the adult channels for television, which can start off as a “every now and then habit” which can lead to the much sinister side of pornography. This can be fetishes like strangulation, necrophilia and various other harmful sexual acts so far as to even say rape which can be learnt from viewing such extreme pornographic images.

For many people viewing pornography is nothing however looking at pornographic images can become an addiction therefore we feel that there should be a ban on pornography, yes there is already ways for the internet to block images. This can be from having to be a member or asking about age or permission to view the site in question, which is much like parental control, this is used by parents to block websites or channels they find inappropriate for the child to view. Unfortunately there ways for a person to get around these blocks. This is why British culture minster Ed Vaizey is backing the ban on porn by proposing a “filth filter”. What this means is working with internet service providers (ISP) to create a block which would only allow people of the correct age to view such websites, images and videos.  This “filth filter” would stop children from viewing the content of pornography.

Considering the adult industry is a huge industry and has a large income what it creates can be offensive and sometimes disgusting we feel that there is no real need for this industry and the product it sells therefore should be banned.
 pornography doesn’t strongly promote the topic of safe sex as many of the ‘actors and actresses’ are shown not using any protection, which can give the wrong message to young adults about sex, this would then lead to an increase of sexually transmitted infections for example “porn star”
Lara Roxx caught HIV from Darren James on a T.T. Boy set In April 2004,  . In an interview with Luke Ford she states:

Luke: “What do you think of the job AIM (Adult Industry Medicine) did for you?”

Lara: “I don’t think they are trained to deal with a person who just had the news that they are HIV-positive. She [Sharon Mitchell] was trying to rush me to medication without me knowing anything about it. She promising me all kinds of stuff that she found out she couldn’t get me.”

Luke: “Was that the first time you had done double anal?”

Lara: “Yeah. First and last.”

Luke: “You were in a financially desperate position at the time?”

Lara: “Yeah. I wasn’t desperate.”


This shows that pornography can be dangerous to both men and women as this material can cause changes in person behaviour as it can cause sexual aggression which can lead physical abuse both during sex and in normal life. By having a ban on pornography these problems would be stopped even before they have the chance to happen. 


drinking tea and researching

happy sunday…yes i did just check my calander to make sure! 🙂
im currently working on my debate topic for college with a bit of Machine Head playing halo if you really wanted to know.

the topics are
The banning for and against of sexually explicit materials in mainstream cinema/ television

The banning for/against of comedy based on race, sexuality, gender and disability

The banning for/against anti-war/ military coverage

To ban same sex relationships within television drama before 9pm

friday bloggish!

well  its friday meaning the week is over and only 40 days till all the metal in my mouth goes bye bye!!!
im currently at college with my good friend and fellow weirdo CHARLOTTE 🙂 <3(gotta show her some love…sometimes)

just done some filming and editing which can always be fun…with the good, the bad and the ugly soundtrack and a kit kat
and now should be moving on the researching for my debate on the banning of pornograhpy if a person would hurry up and email me!